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In the mood for a laugh? We put our brilliant (and slightly intoxicated) minds together to give you some side splitting humor. Take a pass through the Sotally Joke Library. From an infallible mind reader to some helpful signs that you have a drinking problem, we are here to serve (jokes at least).
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Drinks of the Day

Screwdriver This drink has received an average score of 3.67 after 3 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.67 after 3 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.67 after 3 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.67 after 3 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.67 after 3 votes
Bull Shot This drink has received an average score of 3.50 after 4 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.50 after 4 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.50 after 4 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.50 after 4 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.50 after 4 votes
Corona Limon This drink has received an average score of 5.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 5.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 5.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 5.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 5.00 after 1 votes
AMF (Adios Mother F**ker) This drink has received an average score of 5.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 5.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 5.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 5.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 5.00 after 1 votes
A Slide Down A Dewy Mountain This drink has received an average score of 3.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.00 after 1 votes This drink has received an average score of 3.00 after 1 votes
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Today's Reasons to Party

  • 1916 - Jean Drapeau, Canadian politician, mayor of Montreal (d. 1999) Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1986 - Marc Torrejón, Spanish footballer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1961 - Hironobu Kageyama, Japanese singer Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1939 - Marek Janowski, Polish-born conductor Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
  • 1979 - Snow falls in the Sahara Desert in southern Algeria for the only time in recorded history. Vote for this event to raise it's importance! Post this Event to Facebook
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Joke Library

New FDA Warnings Famous Drinking Quotes Bar Room Translations Urinal Test
Beer Trouble Shooting Magic Mind Reader Drinking Problem Signs Beer Makes You Smarter
Why Alcohol Should Be Served At Work

Beer in the News

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