Wine Guide
What wine to serve with what food? That is the question. It's no fun to look like a complete moron about as something as simple as wine. To help you out we at Sotally put together this little chart.
    [type] => 2
    [message] => mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given
    [file] => /home/sotally/public_html/include/lib.php
    [line] => 4721
Error Detected
 File: /home/sotally/public_html/include/lib.php
 Line: 239
 Class: SITE
 Function: execQuery
  File: /home/sotally/public_html/guide/wine/index.php
  Line: 75
Query Failed with Error: 1142
SELECT * FROM sotally_site.wineguide WHERE ItemType = 'Food' ORDER BY ItemType, ID
    [type] => 2
    [message] => mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given
    [file] => /home/sotally/public_html/include/lib.php
    [line] => 4721

Foods Sparking Chardonnay Fume Blanc Sauvignon Blanc Chenin Blanc Johannis-berg Gewurz-traminer White Zinfandel Cabernet Zinfandel Pinot Noir Gamay

    [type] => 2
    [message] => mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given
    [file] => /home/sotally/public_html/guide/wine/index.php
    [line] => 113
Error Detected
 File: /home/sotally/public_html/include/lib.php
 Line: 239
 Class: SITE
 Function: execQuery
  File: /home/sotally/public_html/guide/wine/index.php
  Line: 75
Query Failed with Error: 1142
SELECT * FROM sotally_site.wineguide WHERE ItemType = 'Cheese' ORDER BY ItemType, ID
    [type] => 2
    [message] => mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given
    [file] => /home/sotally/public_html/guide/wine/index.php
    [line] => 113

Cheeses Sparking Chardonnay Fume Blanc Sauvignon Blanc Chenin Blanc Johannis-berg Gewurz-traminer White Zinfandel Cabernet Zinfandel Pinot Noir Gamay

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